Metior and the FISVAL project
Integrated and Sustainable Supply Chain for the Production of Smart Valves
Metior S.R.L. and the FISVAL project – Integrated and Sustainable Supply Chain for the Production of Smart Valves.
FISVAL is a research and development project that aims to develop the logic of the smart factory at the level of an entire production chain, thus creating the first case in Italy of real vertical and horizontal integration according to the logic of the Industry 4.0 Plan.
The project is the result of an initiative by Advanced Technology Valve S.p.A. and has been financed by the Lombardy Region under the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, OBJECTIVE “INVESTMENTS IN FAVOUR OF GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT” (co-financed by the ERDF). PRIORITY AXIS I – STRENGTHENING RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION. Action I.1.b.1.3 “Support for collaborative R&R activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, new products and services. Measure “AI2 – Inner Areas Innovation – Call for the selection of a strategic research, development and innovation project in implementation of the strategy of the Inner Area Alto Lago di Como and Valli del Lario.
The project started in January 2020 and will end in December 2021.
The project leader is Advanced Technology Valve S.p.A., the partners involved are: IMO-Odobez s.r.l, BREPO s.r.l, Oleodinamica Martinalli s.r.l., METIOR s.r.l., Quantra s.r.l. Politecnico di Milano (Mechanical Engineering Department), University of Brescia (Information Engineering Department).
Metior actively participates in all the Work Packages of the project contributing to the activities of Industrial Research and Experimental Development for the study, analysis and testing of a new Cyber Physical Model applied to the production chain.